The Kingdom of Gleann Abhann
Gleann Abhann (Gaelic for River Valley) became a principality of the Kingdom of Meridies on February 6th, A.S. XXXIII (1999) during the reign of King Gareth III and Queen Sabine I.
Gleann Abhann's first coronet tournament was held on November 7th, A.S. XXXIII (1998) in Grey Niche. Eric of Chester won the coronet, with Rhondalyn Kuykendall as his consort. The Investiture was held on February 6th, A.S. XXXIII in Trollifen.
The first crown tournament in the principality of Gleann Abhann was held on May 21st, A.S. XL (2005) in Small Grey Bear. Tar Radu won the crown tournament, with Broinnfhionn inghean Chathain as his consort. The original coronation date was to be October first, A.S. XL (2005).
However, just prior to the Coronation, The Principality of Gleann Abhann found itself under siege by Hurricane Katrina. The storm washed away peoples homes, jobs and memories - as well as the Kingdom Regalia. What was not washed away was the determination of the people of Gleann Abbhan. Not two months later, on November 5th, A.S. XL (2005), through the relief efforts of the Known World and the spirit of the people of Gleann Abhann, Gleann Abhann became the Nineteenth kingdom in the Known World.
The Kingdom of Gleann Abhann covers Mississippi, Louisiana, most of Arkansas, the western edge of Tennessee including the Memphis area, and Calloway County, Kentucky.
Registered Kingdom Devices
The following arms, devices, badges, banners, ensigns and achievments are registered to the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann.
Mouse over one of the device names below to display that device. Click on a device name to visit our Cafepress site and purchase products such as T-shirts, stickers, medallions, and drinkware with that device on them. King's Device - "Per pale gules and sable, a ram rampant within a laurel wreath, in chief a coronet argent."Queen's Device - "Per pale gules and sable, a ram rampant within a wreath of roses in chief a coronet argent." Populace Badge - "(Fieldless) A ram clymant argent." |
More information - The Kingdom of Gleann Abhann official website.
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